
每个主日的崇拜聚会是圣经的教导也是信徒的核心生活部分。2019冠状病毒疾病 (COVID-19) 开始在新加坡传播,本会也遵行政府的指示采取了适时相关的预防措施,继续主日敬拜。然而,因为近一两周随着 疫情蔓延开来,新加坡政府也拟定更多措施 ,如增加社交距离,缩短聚会时间等来预防病毒在社区传播。










Dear Ebenezerians, Shalom!

Sunday worship service is a key biblical teaching and a core part of a believer’s life. COVID-19 has begun to spread in Singapore. We have followed the government’s instructions to take timely and relevant precautionary measures to continue Sunday worship. However, as the pandemic has spread in the past week or two, the Singapore government has also implemented more measures, such as increasing social distance and shortening the service time, to prevent the virus from spreading in the community.

As a result of the heightening pandemic situation in Singapore, the government has just announced that all gatherings outside school and work, including religious organisations will be limited to a maximum of 10 people hence all churches will have to suspend their services with immediate effect.

We will continue to have corporate worship but will be online. This means you do not come to Church but can access the following online at 10.45am:


As usual, our service will start at 11am sharp and we shall all gather in our respective homes to worship God together via online. When we worship at home, please maintain a posture of reverence towards God: we do not engage in other things like slouching on the sofa, watching TV, eating snacks and playing with mobile phones while worshipping.

Although we cannot meet each other often during this season, I sincerely wish we can be more connected in the Lord, show care and concern to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and most importantly, share Christ’s love to people around us.

Till the next message, I wish you all good health and full of grace!


In Christ
Rev Sherman Low
Ebenezer Evangelical Free Church

The Lord reigns forever; he has established his throne for judgment. Psalm 9:7