在这充满许多不确定的时代,我们比以往任何时候都更需要盼望。虽然 Covid 在过去 2 年里一直还在肆虐中,医学界和政府仍在努力推理和理解这种不可预测且不断演变的变种的原因。 但随着旅行的减少,未接种疫苗的限制措施,面对财务压力,关系紧张,健康问题和其他的压力,我们多么盼望疫情能够赶快过去。
圣经说,总有一天,凡能被震动的都将被震动,所以“不能震动的可以存留”(希伯来书12:27-28)。我相信我们正处于这些“能被震动”的边缘。如此看似黯淡的前景,我们的盼望从何而来呢?感谢神,我们可以在基督耶稣里有不可动摇的盼望,这盼望扎根于圣经里。正如大卫所说:“我常将耶和华摆在我面前;因为他在我的右边,我必不至于动摇。” (诗篇16:8)当试炼临到我们时,神的话带给我们何等大的保障和依靠!
进入新的一年,我们必须被提醒要持守神不可动摇的教导 。在这里我要强调两点:
圣徒相聚。我们感谢上帝提供科技,使身体欠安的弟兄姐妹,不用离家也仍然可以在线参加崇拜聚会。但我必须强调,实体的敬拜是必不可少的,因为圣经命令我们“你们不可停止聚会,好像那些停止惯了的人,倒要彼此劝勉;既知道那日子临近,就更当如此。” (希伯来书 10:25)。我们必须被提醒,与圣徒交通,团契 对服事,运用属灵恩赐和履行事工职责是基要的。我们不要因贪图舒适便利而让线上敬拜方式慢慢的取代了传统的实体集体敬拜方式 。
岗位。事奉上帝既是一种特权,也是一种尊荣,我们应该以喜乐及虔诚的心服事。我们要被提醒,在服事当中我们都尽力要完成任务但同时必须与主内肢体保持友好、和谐、互相尊重和充满爱的关系。我们在保护教会的合一方面不可动摇,这也是我们敬拜神的其中一个态度。我们听从神的话 – “所以,我亲爱的弟兄们,你们务要坚固,不可摇动,常常竭力多做主工,因为知道,你们的劳苦在主里面不是徒然的。”(哥林多前书 15:58)
Dear Ebenezerians
Unshakeable Hope
In these uncertain times, we need hope now more than ever. Even as Covid has been raging for the past 2 years, the medical community and the government are still trying to reason and understand the cause for this unpredictable and evolving variant, and hope seems to be fading coupled with curtailed travel, restricted measures for the unvaccinated, financial pressures, relationship tensions, health concerns, and other stressful situations.
The Bible says the day will come when everything that can be shaken will be shaken,
so “things that cannot be shaken may remain” (Hebrews 12:27-28). I believe that we are at the threshold of these “shakings”. With such a seemingly bleak outlook, where does our hope come from? We can have this unshakeable hope in Christ Jesus, that is solidly grounded in the Bible. As David said, “I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.” (Psalm 16:8) What a great assurance and anchor of God’s words for us when trials come our way!
As we enter this new year, we must be reminded to hold fast to God’s unshakeable teachings, and I shall highlight two here:
Meeting of the saints. We thank God for technology where members with medical reasons do not need to step out of their house, can still participate in our worship service online.
I do have to emphasise that in-person worship is essential for it is commanded in the bible “not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:25). It is a time where we serve others, exercise our spiritual gifts, and carry our ministry duties. We need to be mindful not to allow convenience and comfort slowly eroding our commitment to this age-old tradition of meeting in person for corporate worship.
Ministry. Serving God is both a privilege and an honour and we should always be taking our ministry with joy and serving with a reverent heart. We strive to be relational while accomplishing the tasks at hand and be reminded to maintain a harmonious, respectful and a loving relationship always. We are unshakeable in protecting the unity of the Church as a form of worship unto the Lord. We heed God’s word – ‘to be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58)
By His grace, we can respond to God’s blessings in our lives by doing things that delight Him, such as finding a need and filling it, or finding a hurt and healing it. May we arise to show our love for Ebenezer, desiring to see her growing from strength to strength, all for His glory’s sake.
Happy Blessed New Year!
In Christ,
Rev Sherman Low,
Lead Pastor,
Ebenezer Evangelical Free Church