谁是门徒? 为什么成为耶稣的门徒如此重要? 我怎样才能成为其中一员? 当我们反思神在我们教会成立十二年以来的良善和信实时,重要的是我们应该停下来审视我们作为一个教会应该如何展望教会生活的下一个旅程。
大使命的当务之急是使万民成为门徒……(马太福音28:18-20)如果我们把“万民”放在一边,我们可以首先开始关注我们的教会。 但在我们成为耶稣的门徒之前,我们自己必须首先成为门徒。由此看来,“建立门徒训练的教会”将是我们教会未来五到十年的核心使命。 我感谢圣约播道会,20多年来一直倡导 “精心门训的教会IDMC”; 他们无私地向以便以谢和众教会提供他们的知识和经验资源。 我很感激我们的理事会和同工们也接受了这一新的旅程,如果我们能够集中精力并团结一致地履行圣经的使命,即作为耶稣基督的门徒实践我们的信仰,并有意识地栽培另一位门徒训练者,我们将更加专注履行教会的使命进而成为一个更讨神喜悦的教会,更重要的是,迈向一种丰盛的生活方式。
让我们努力成为我们的救主耶稣的忠实门徒和见证人!当我们每个人努力以切实的方式更加爱彼此时,教会就会散发出神的荣耀。 我深信那在你们中间开始了美好工作的,到了基督耶稣的日子,必成全这工作。(腓立比书 1:6) 12 周年快乐!
刘世丰牧师, 主任牧师,以便以谢播道会
Dear Ebenezerians
Jesus’ Last Command Must Be Our First Priority
Who is a disciple? Why is it so important to be a disciple of Christ? How do I become one? As we reflect on God’s goodness and faithfulness in our Church since her formation 12 years ago, it is important that we should stop and examine how we should, as a Church, look forward to the next journey of our Church’s life.
The imperative of the Great Commission is to make disciples of all nations… (Matthew 28:18-20) If we put aside “all nations”, we can start focusing on our Church first. But before we can make disciples of Christ, we must first be disciples ourselves. On this note, “building a disciple-making church” will be our Church’s core mission for the next 5 to 10 years. I am thankful for Covenant EFC, who has championed the IDMC journey for over 20 years; they have kindly made available their resources to Ebenezer and the wider church community in terms of their knowledge and experience. I am grateful that our Board and leaders have also embraced this new journey and if we stay focused and united in this biblical mandate of living out our faith as a disciple of Jesus Christ, and be intentional in mentoring another disciple maker, we will be more missional towards being a church more pleasing to God and more importantly, towards an enriching way of living life.
What a Mighty God we serve! I count it a privilege to be your shepherd and together we have weathered numerous ups and downs. Moreover your commitment and dedication to the Church proves such an inspiration to me and my family.
Let us strive to become faithful disciples and witnesses of our Lord and Savior Jesus! The Church will radiate God’s glory when we each strive to love each other even more with God’s love in a tangible way. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6) Happy 12th Anniversary!
Yours Humbly in Christ,
Rev Sherman Low, Lead Pastor, Ebenezer Evangelical Free Church